Initial Assessment and Recovery Position in First Aid
In this video, we will cover the essential steps of initial assessment and how to safely position a patient in the recovery position during a medical emergency.
1. Sending for Help
Immediate Action: If someone is with you and it's necessary, send them to call the emergency services.
If Alone: If you are alone, proceed with the following steps and then call emergency medical services (EMS).
2. Assessing the Patient
Introduction: Introduce yourself to the patient and seek permission to provide assistance.
If Conscious: If the patient is conscious, engage in conversation to gather information while ensuring they remain still.
If Unconscious: Ensure the patient is breathing; if not, prepare for CPR and call EMS before starting.
3. Checking for Breathing
Opening the Airway: Tilt the patient's head back to clear the airway.
Observation: Look, Listen, and Feel for breathing for up to 10 seconds.
If Breathing: If breathing normally, CPR is not needed; send someone to call an ambulance.
4. Placing in the Recovery Position
Assessment and Gloving: If available, put on gloves and perform a head-to-toe injury check.
Recovery Position: If no significant injuries are found, position the patient as follows:
- Lay the patient on their back with legs together.
- Raise the nearest arm to 90 degrees from their head.
- Hold the other hand against their face, nearest to you.
- Lift their far leg so that their foot is flat on the floor.
- Using their leg as a lever, turn them onto their side facing you while maintaining airway support.
5. Monitoring and Further Actions
Check Breathing: Confirm that the patient is breathing and their airway remains open.
Seek Help: If alone, go for help, but upon return, recheck the patient's breathing.
Comfort and Warmth: Keep the patient comfortable and warm. Maintain verbal communication to reassure them.
In situations where you are completely alone and without a phone, leave the patient to call emergency services when necessary.