First Aid for Cyclists Level 2 (VTQ)

83 videos, 4 hours and 20 minutes

Course Content

Asking permission and consent to help

Video 5 of 83
3 min 37 sec
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Obtaining Consent in First Aid Situations

Introduction and Permission

When faced with a first aid scenario, it's crucial to follow proper protocol, beginning with a courteous introduction. Always introduce yourself and request the patient's permission to offer assistance.

Consent Verification

If the patient grants consent, whether through verbal affirmation, a nod, or by extending an injured limb for examination, you are legally authorized to proceed with your assistance.

Respecting Patient's Wishes

If, however, the patient declines your aid, you must respect their decision and refrain from any form of intervention. In such cases:

  • Emergency Services: If the patient refuses help, promptly contact the emergency services for professional assistance.
  • Refer to Supervisors or Family: Consider involving the patient's supervisor or family members to address their concerns and provide reassurance.
  • Open Communication: Engage in a compassionate conversation with the patient, focusing on comforting and calming them despite your inability to assist directly.

Unconscious Patients

Even when dealing with an unconscious casualty, the principles of consent still apply. In such instances, consent may be implied as most individuals in this condition would likely accept aid if conscious:

  • Verbal Interaction: Communicate with the unconscious patient as speaking to them can offer comfort. Hearing is often one of the last senses to diminish.

Workplace Duty of Care

It's important to recognize that in the workplace, as a designated first aider, you may hold a duty of care towards employees or colleagues. In such circumstances, the injured party may be required to seek your assistance:

  • Employee Seeking Help: In situations where you have a duty of care, the casualty may be compelled to approach you for assistance.
Learning Outcomes:
  • FPOS level 3 component one LO2.1
  • FPOS level 3 component one LO2.2
  • IPOSi Unit one LO1.5
  • IPOSi Unit one LO1.7