First Aid for Cyclists Level 2 (VTQ)

83 videos, 4 hours and 20 minutes

Course Content

Dealing with Fainting

Video 79 of 83
2 min 31 sec
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Fainting: Causes and First Aid Tips

Understanding Fainting

Fainting, or syncope, occurs due to temporary reduced blood flow to the brain:

  • Symptoms: Dizziness, nausea, feeling odd, leading to short-term loss of consciousness.
  • Causes: Include anxiety, hunger, pregnancy, stress, tiredness, pain, overheating, and prolonged standing or sitting.

First Aid for Fainting

Immediate actions to help someone who has fainted:

  • Lie Down: Lay them flat immediately to restore blood flow to the brain.
  • Leg Elevation: Raise their legs about 30 centimetres to improve blood circulation.
  • Support: Use your shoulder, a box, or a bag to keep their legs elevated.
  • Recovery: Stay with them and calmly explain what happened as they regain consciousness.

Recovery and Further Actions

Steps to manage recovery and prevent further fainting:

  • Slowly Get Up: Help them up gradually to avoid another fainting episode.
  • Medical Attention: Seek medical advice if fainting occurs frequently or there are concerns about their health.

If fainting occurs during exercise or is followed by a seizure, contact emergency medical services (EMS) immediately.

It's important to manage fainting episodes carefully to ensure the person's safety and well-being.