First Aid for Cyclists Level 2 (VTQ)

83 videos, 4 hours and 20 minutes

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Choking in children

Video 36 of 83
3 min 17 sec
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Dealing with Choking: Adult and Child

Types of Obstruction

Mild Airway Obstruction: Involves discomfort, potential pain, and distress due to a partial blockage (e.g., fishbone or small object).

Severe Airway Obstruction: Represents a complete blockage, preventing breathing, talking, or coughing and may lead to unconsciousness if not addressed.

Dealing with Choking on an Adult

Assess Breathing: Ask the person if they are choking; if they can talk, they can breathe.

Encourage Coughing: Support and keep the person calm, encouraging them to cough to clear the obstruction.

Observe the Mouth: If the obstruction is visible, attempt to remove it without inserting fingers deeply into the mouth.

Dealing with Choking on a Child

Size Considerations: Kneel behind the child due to their smaller size; anticipate distress and the need for forcefulness.

Back Blows: Stand behind and to the side of the child, delivering five sharp back blows between the shoulder blades using the heel of your hand.

Abdominal Thrusts: Perform abdominal thrusts by making a fist and placing it between the child's belly button and the bottom of their breastbone; perform five sharp inward and upward pulls with the other hand on top of the fist.

Repeat If Necessary: If the obstruction persists, repeat five back blows and five abdominal thrusts, checking each time.

Emergency Actions

If Obstruction Persists: Continue attempts to clear the obstruction; call emergency services if not done already.

Loss of Consciousness: If the child loses consciousness, gently guide them to the floor, avoiding injury; initiate CPR if not breathing.

After Successful Removal

Assess and Calm: Sit the child down and keep them calm; seek medical attention to check for any injuries resulting from the thrusts.