First Aid for Cyclists Level 2 (VTQ)

83 videos, 4 hours and 20 minutes

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Illness assessment and SAMPLE

Video 71 of 83
3 min 56 sec
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Guide to Illness Assessment: S.A.M.P.L.E.S. Method

Understanding Illness Assessment

Learn how to assess and gather crucial information about a person's illness.

Defining Illness

Understand the concept of illness as an unhealthy condition of the body.

The S.A.M.P.L.E.S. Mnemonic

Discover the systematic approach to illness assessment using the S.A.M.P.L.E.S. mnemonic.

S - Signs and Symptoms

Identify important signs and symptoms that provide insights into the person's condition:

  • Temperature: Check for fever or unusual body temperature.
  • Skin Colour: Observe skin tone for abnormalities.
  • Pulse Rate: Assess the patient's pulse for rate and irregularities.
  • Questioning: Interview the patient to understand their symptoms, including nausea, pain, or discomfort.

A - Allergies

Inquire about allergies that could be relevant to the situation:

  • Types of Allergies: Ask about allergies to food, insect stings, or antibiotics.

M - Medication

Explore the patient's medication history:

  • Current Medication: Determine if the patient is taking any medications, including those taken today.

P - Pre-existing Medical Conditions

Assess the presence of pre-existing medical conditions:

  • Medical Conditions: Ask if the patient has conditions such as diabetes, asthma, angina, or anaphylaxis.

L - Last Meal

Obtain information about the patient's recent food intake:

  • Timing of Last Meal: Ask when the patient last ate and what they consumed, which can provide insights into their condition.

E - Events

Investigate the events leading up to the patient's illness:

  • Precipitating Events: Determine circumstances that may have triggered the illness, such as a sudden onset or gradual development.

Assessing Pulse and Respiration

Learn how to evaluate a person's pulse and respiration for a comprehensive assessment.

Checking Pulse

Find the person's pulse and assess its characteristics:

  • Radial Pulse: Locate and count the radial pulse using three fingers for accuracy.
  • Pulse Characteristics: Observe pulse rate, strength, and regularity.

Counting Respiration

Monitor the person's breathing rate:

  • Breath Count: Count the number of breaths in 30 seconds to determine the respiration rate.
  • Technique: Leave your fingers in place to discreetly count breaths without the patient's awareness.

Normal Ranges

Understand the typical heart rate and respiration rate for adults:

  • Heart Rate: Adult heart rate ranges from sixty to ninety beats per minute.
  • Respiration Rate: Adult respiration rate typically falls between 12 and 20 breaths per minute.
Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit one LO4.4